Thursday 22 June 2017

Summer Barbecue

We wish to thank our regular bus companies Cameron Travel and SHM Travel  for supplying the burgers, sausages and accompanying rolls for our bar-b-cue last night.  This was very much enjoyed by all our members.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Eddie, Stevie and Shona for going above and beyond their transport contracts.  We notice and really appreciate when people go out of their way to help our members.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

June Newsletter

The June Newsletter, with details of our start and finish dates has now been published.  It can be found here.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Volunteer Week

Today is the start of Volunteer week. We're delighted to celebrate this by giving our volunteers a certificate prepared by the Big Lottery Fund.

At present, we have no paid workers and therefore the volunteers are essential for our activities to continue to function. For example, on a Wednesday evening we run a disco, have two pool tables operating, four computers in use for tuition, craft activities and we also serve teas/coffees. On other evenings we have a pool, swimming and drama group. It takes a lot of people to facilitate these activities.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life which helps them relate to our members. They are very good at treating the members as equals. They take time to listen to them and to encourage them if they are having a difficult time and laugh with them when something funny occurs. Some of our volunteers give up two or more evenings to help. There are also short excursions lasting three or four days, a visit to the cinema or theatre. There are also regular Pool Competitions in a local league.

Most of our volunteers do not have a direct link with a person with a learning disability but come to us through a friend, a church or via the Boys Brigade as a youth carrying out his service award and then staying to help after it is complete.
We have nothing but admiration for the dedication of our volunteers.

Today also is the start of Facebook for Enable Ayr. Make sure you click on our page, like and share so that everyone can see what we're doing.